Monday, January 28, 2019

Do you want a secondary screen on the back of your phone?

Vivo Nex Dual Display Edition

Many smartphone manufacturers embraced the notch design last year. Some aren't giving up on it in 2019, either. Others, though, are trying very hard to ditch the aesthetic altogether, aiming for some pretty interesting designs in that pursuit. We've seen the hole-punch design quite a bit already, which will probably be the dominant design this year. We've got pop-out cameras, but that probably won't catch on at all.

And then there is the second-screen option. One that LG is rumored to be considering in its own right.

The way that the Life's Good crew plans on implementing it will be a bit different, however. The second screen will reportedly be an attachment, as part of a case-like design, that you can attach to the main device as necessary. It's something that sounds interesting enough on paper, but, as most things do, it will come down to execution in the final product.

And then there is the second screen on the back of the phone. This is not a new idea by any means, but companies like Vivo are certainly trying it out with some 2019 flair with the Vivo Nex Dual Display Edition. The screen on the back of the phone measures in at 5.49 inches and has a resolution of 1920x1080. It only serves two purposes, though: a screen so you can take a selfie with the three cameras on the back of the phone, and a touchpad for playing games.

Is that all a secondary screen needs to handle? That's probably up to the individual. Why anyone would want to use a smaller screen with less resolution to do anything other than take a selfie is beyond me, but there may be a reason out there somewhere. The rear touchpad idea for gaming is a neat one, though.

The secondary screen is just a tool to emphasize the fact the smartphone doesn't have a notch to hold a front-facing camera. Which is fine! These various design decisions are actually pretty awesome, and I'm personally glad to see that some smartphone manufacturers are trying new things to shake up the industry. That definitely includes foldable phones, which will start to land on the market this year.

I can't imagine how fragile a device like this would be, though. Especially one will a full blown display, rather than, say, an e-ink option on the back. And unless Vivo has some specialized cases on the way, that type of accessory isn't really an option. Which means you'll have to be extra careful with the Vivo Nex Dual Display Edition. Especially since it will cost around $700.

How do you feel about the second screen being on the back of the phone? Would you prefer a second screen attachment instead? Or is the hole-punch your go-to design choice in 2019? Let me know!

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